Here it go, finally we can say that we got our first convention under our belt! We really had a blast and were greatly inspired, encouraged and challenged as we get ready to start this family journey. We put together some of the highlights of the convention with the hope that this will be a blessing for some of you. We firmly believe that these are good lessons for any type of family not just for homeschoolers. So fasten your belts and enjoy the ride with us! =)
1. Home is
2. Parents
are best
Learning happens 365 days a yr
4. Every
child is a master piece
5. When
facing feelings of inadequacy: God didn't say to Moses: My curriculum will make
you "talk", he said: I made the deaf
6. Relationship
with child is most important
7. Don't
lose the relationship with your child over "algebra"
8. Strong
marriages, strong families, make strong homeschools
9. Education
is discipleship & discipleship starts at home
10. Don’t
compare your children with other children
11. Don't pressure
your children, fruit will eventually grow
12. Successful homeschoolers are flexible
13. Spirit led homeschooling is not bound by legalism
14. Keep your focus on eternal significance
15. Homeschooling doesn't save you
16. Do not sacrifice your marriage in the altar of homeschooling
16. Discipling your children: leading by example
17. Arrows: Our goal is to train our children to have the greatest impact
in the world for His kingdom
18. Days feel long but years pass fast
19. Follow the leader: Jesus
20. Being yoked with Christ
21. Enjoy the journey
22. Choose to enjoy the journey God has chosen for you
23. Don’t let your curriculum interfere with your relationship with your
24. Your children won’t remember you as the perfect mom, but will
remember that you loved them
25. For a successful homeschooling, make it a quest, "an intentional
commitment" to pursue a relationship with Jesus
26. We cannot change the hearts of our children, but the Holy Spirit can
27. Your children don't need a perfect parent, they need a parent that would
point them to a perfect God
28. Are you seeking success
in a "program, a curriculum, a solution, or are you seeking "God's
face" as the word says?
29. God doesn't want
you to try so hard to live a life that is pleasing to him, as much as allowing
your relationship with him to produce a life that's pleasing to him
30. We control to the level of our fear and we serve to the level of our
31. Humanism: You are able to accomplish it if you try hard enough vs Christianity: Do you trust enough?
32. Prayer for
yourself and your family:: "Dear Lord help me to love you well, and to
love people well"
33. We are weary because
we don't know how loved we are
34. You are the keeper
of the keys, the keys to unlock your child's learning style.
35. For the
Kinesthetic-active learner, quiet movement -Mindless & repetitive- while
learning is a plus
36. Break out of the box of our public schools and realize that the strengths
of the kinesthetic learner are needed to fulfill very important roles in our
37. Giggles and wiggles are gifts in your children’s personality
38. TED videos are a useful tool for homeschoolers
39. Make sure that your children get enough exercise to help them focus,
for some children that means “Hours” a day!
40. it’s my job as a
parent not to focus on their weaknesses, but to identify their strengths and
use them to help them become the
person they're meant to be
41. Multisensory education: using the areas of strength
of your brain while strengthening your areas of weaknesses
42. Learning is a process of learning and forgetting
43. A multisensory learning experience requires multiple senses involved
44. We can’t assume that we understand our children; we have to go to God
and ask for help to be able to figure out their world
46. Learn to wait and rest!!!!
47. Wanting to serve can also hinder your relationship with God
48. Are there stillness in your calendar?!!!!!!!!!!!
49. God’s love for you is louder than any pile of laundry, baby crying,
or any messy house
50. All the things that you need for Godliness, living your life and
homeschooling are contained in knowing Christ!!
51. God is relentless when it comes to show you his love and shaping you
into Jesus' image
52. God is not impressed with what you have to offer, your very best is a
53. The Lord wants you to be dialysis dependent
on Him
54. Make sure that academia-knowledge is not where your children find their
55. Another big source of distraction is recreation
56. Are we teaching our children that they have to be busy and
entertained to be fulfilled?
57. We are constantly
homeschooling our children by modeling our daily behavior
58. Are we teaching our children to live a rushed, over-busy lives by the
way our days look like?
59. About socialization: The exact reason to homeschool, so children get
the opportunity to receive a much broader and carefully planned exposure to
60. Teach your children to forgive: it is easy to teach them when they're
4 than when they are 40
61. Know God is jealous for your children, know that only God can change
and quicken their hearts, nobody and nothing else can
62. Three questions when choosing a curriculum: Does
it overwhelm me? Does it fit my learning
style? And Am I choosing out of fear?
63. Curriculum doesn’t have to be expensive; most of the good stuff is
64. It may not work; and if it doesn't work shelve it
65. Curriculum is the assistant not the educator
66. Education can easily become an idol
67. Focus on the relationship
68. Stressed is desserts
spelled backwards
69. Be real with
others, don't try to be the Super homeschooler mom, it doesn’t exist anyway
70. Children
need quiet, and you also need to be quiet as well sometimes, so they can listen
to God.
71. Don't let school interfere with your education
72. Put on your oxygen mask first
73. Influencing your child's heart is more important than obedience
74.Children are like cookies, you always burn the first batch
75. Seek to motivate by respectful affection not just by fear of authority
76. Lies Homeschoolers believe: Everybody's children are smarter, they have a cleaner house, they cook better meals, they're more spiritual than you and have a better marriage than yours
77. Marriage is the stem; everything else is a leaf that will grow back
78. Keep your priorities straight, Homeschooling can be a black hole that sucks everything in!
79. You're the best momma of the world for your children!
80. You're the best Daddy of the world for your children!
Now, what about you? Do you have any that you would like to add? Feel free to chime in and share your wisdom!
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