Thursday, June 22, 2023

Summer to Remember - Welcome to Virginia!

First week down friends! Here's our 2nd round of highlights, now from the land of VA! This time we stayed at Anvil Campground. We truly enjoyed this site. It’s well maintained, with wonderful amenities and close to the area we wanted to explore.

After setting up the camper we went to our first destination:  Colonial Williamsburg”. This is a preserved reenactment  town themed after the American Revolution era. It turns out that this place was the former capital of the state. We enjoyed every minute of it, even as we walked miles perusing the town. So much to see, smell, touch and learn!!

Picture going back 250 years in history. There were re-enactors everywhere, ready to tell us about their lifestyles & trades back in the day. Some of our favorites were having Garrick picked to be part of the justice league in a local mock trial. We were especially made aware of how people were so immersed in the political affairs of their localities. We were inspired to do the same. We can’wait for Garrick to go to his second round of Teenpact!...I digress.

We also got to talk to “young George Washington and his wife”. So amusing! These re-enactors really get into character! Did you know that George Washington had obscure beginnings? He actually got ushered into the public arena by marrying up! Who would’ve thought? Well, God’s sovereignty works in so many ways! We also learned that his military experience in the French-Indian war of 1700’s was quite an agony for him. He battled dysentery among other ailments for almost 9 months and almost died. No wonder his character grew so strong! Let us not forget that there is not such thing as a wasted battle. (James 1:2-4). It turns out this war was much bigger than we knew. It was virtually the first Global war in history. Every single country and empire was at war at the time. It was interesting to hear him pointing to the same old fight for money and power as the real combustible behind it all.

And did you know that back then non-Anglican preachers were not allowed to preach with an open Bible? It was considered a threat to the English crown. They were able to proselytize and teach, but with strict restrictions. It does ring a bell, doesn’t it? Those who do not know history are bound to repeat it goes the old saying. Ok, enough of that. The kids also enjoyed playing old fashion games, were inspired by a play about about the roots of the emancipation, visited with the print master, the apothecary shop owner, and the blacksmith shop among others. Such a lovely visit.

The next day, while I stayed home working on homework for the next school year, Dave took the kids to “the Berkeley Plantation". This was a mansion built back in the 1600’s. What a fantastic day exploring its beautiful gardens and historical richness! 

This mansion was the original settlement of the community who hosted the true first “Thanksgiving” celebration before the Pilgrims’ arrival. Isn’t that interesting? You can read more about it
here. The mansion has hosted over a dozen American presidents since its construction, even contemporary ones like George W. Bush.

Our kids also got to experience a pretty neat first time over there: Seeing the golden ripe wheat fields around it. They got to glean from them. Dave said he reminisced Jesus doing that with the disciples and got 2 big mouthfuls himself! Well, what can I say..a men’s heart is close to his belly, by God’s design! What a beautiful picture of discipleship right? I am truly enjoying seeing my husband operating on his God’s given gift. He’s such an amazing tour guide! He loves visiting interesting places and co-learning and teaching along with a group of people. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons he remembers Space Camp so fondly. I am so grateful we get to enjoy him in our very own party! Just let’s wait to see him in action when we get to D.C. That’s the next step people! It’s going to be great! We’ll come back to let you know.

Thanks for reading friends! Here’s the link to our first update if you didn’t get to read it. Or here to the next one: D.C. Peace in Christ!


  1. Wow! So good! Muy interesante! Love you Bushesitos

    1. Oh, thank you for leaving a comment. I'm blessed to know you are interested and enjoying reading about our experiences! Much love your way!
